
Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Winter Solstice

The sun was a red sliver in the western sky
Through a crack in the clouds just over tree high

As it made its descent at the end of the day
Slipping down red then passing away

The sun rose late to now early pass away
As the nights had grown longer with each passing day

Against the twilight stood the trees stark and bare
The winter has come with its chill in the air

Holiday lights sparkled dazzling the eye
The tinsel strung rustled in the breeze that passed by

Yes this is the season when all should be jolly
But for many instead it is just melancholy

As the past comes to visit on these long winter nights
It's twisted in the garland and the tinsel and lights

It lurks on some faces or so it does seem
It comes in the night in the dreams that we dream

It haunts and taunts us with these things that are past
But the hold that it has quite simply can't last

For after this night passes, this dark must recede
And as the dark passes from the past we are freed

So take these past matters and with them be done
The future awaits as a new year has begun

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