
Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Homegrown Enlightenment: Universal Truth

The world in which we live is filled with all sorts of natural distractions. Driven by our inherent thirst for happiness, we plunge headlong into all these distractions hoping somehow to emerge with a sense of contentment that never seems to fully develop. We are trapped in our recurring cycle of desire/action/impression that loops unceasingly on and on as we try to content ourselves with these worldly delights without ever finding a lasting peace.

In stark contrast, Eastern philosophies describe a special sense of contentment as an enlightened state of mind that can only be reached with the regular and prolonged practice of correct meditative techniques. They consider the human conscious experience to be an ongoing journey of self-discovery to very specifically achieve this state of enlightenment, and various visiting Eastern mystics have intrigued some Western aspirants with claims that these same Eastern techniques can be integrated into a Western lifestyle.

After 50 years of focused practice of these Eastern conscious technologies, this Homegrown Enlightenment series is a findings report of how these practices have reshaped my Western perspective of reality and overall understanding of the human conscious experience. Universal Truth introduces the concept of a human conscious experience derived from this Eastern perspective.

Central to this understanding is an elaboration of the concept of truth based on the Eastern Doctrine of Two Truths. The first truth is the relative sense of personal truth that we use to conduct the affairs of our lives. A key component in our personal truth are those placeholder things that we believe to be true. These things believed carry an uncertain burden that can become the source of the illusions and personal bondage that obstruct our personal freedom. The other truth is the Universal Truth that explains the never-changing absolute mysterious foundation that exists as the source of all things.

This book exposes a reality perspective that sets the stage for the further discovery of this Universal Truth that can actually set someone free. 



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